Winter's Charms
Matt and I have been on a crazy journey that continues to amaze us everyday! We often talk about our Business Bucket List goals. One we often talk about was being featured in Our State magazine so we could honor Matt's Aunt Martha and Uncle Kent Morgan. Two of the most modest individuals you will ever meet.
They were able to grow House of Morgan Pewter over 40 years, not by social media or paying for Facebook ads, but by their hard work and genuinely kind spirits. Word of mouth was their marketing approach and it worked!
Come read about our business journey and help us celebrate a magazine that truly supports and highlights North Carolina businesses, Our State!
January 2023 Edition
Shop our Winter's Charms
Which is your favorite? I have always been partial to D!
Which is your favorite? I have always been partial to D!

This sweet article has inspired us to create a unique spin on our snowflake design and our love for North Carolina! Stay tune!
Amanda & Matt Morgan
House of Morgan Pewter